Yarrr! Welcome aboard Ye Ole Xboxcast and sail with us on the high seas, as we seek to unravel the mysteries of this week in the land o’ Xbox.
Take a wild guess at what we are super hyped about! Oh, just a small game called Sea of Thieves. You’ve probably never heard of it. Thats why we’re here. To help you out.
You’re welcome.
Apart from being pirates, we listen to Simone’s continued trials and tribulations in Fable 2, The Xboxcast’s Gears of War 4 event and even Kyle’s take on Surviving Mars. Thats right, this week was a week full of gaming for our hosts – truely a rare occasion.
On the news front we discuss Weta moving into the game sapce (huge for New Zealand), Lee getting super excited about Super Bomber Man, The Verge being wrong (again) and Microsoft preparing for their biggest E3 ever! Throw in some games coming out, games leaving Game Pass, mix in some Games with Gold, and you have yourself an hour and a half of our soothing voices!
On The Xboxcast news front – we’re now on Spotify! So subscribe to us there. And tell your friends!
You can follow The Xboxcast all over the internet
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter and Xbox
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer
Simone: GymBean44 on Twitter and Xbox
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox, YouTube and Mixer
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